and DUI Attorney
The Best Results For My Clients.”

DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney in Vero Beach, FL
If you are charged with a crime in Indian River County, get a Former Vero Beach Prosecutor to fight on your side!
The value of a skilled and trusted lawyer who is experienced locally cannot be overstated.
In Vero Beach and Indian River County, Dan Sercombe of Sercombe Law DUI and Criminal Defense is the attorney you can count on to dedicate himself to your case. He has helped many clients walk away from their charges and will always fight for you for the best possible outcome!
Criminal Defense, Theft & Drug Possession Lawyer in Vero Beach
We understand that life happens and sometimes, and people can find themselves in unfortunate situations.
We believe that no one should be defined by their mistakes or be overly penalized for being human.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
That’s why we offer criminal defense attorney services in Vero Beach to get the best results from the case against you.
Dan Sercombe handles every case with careful attention to detail, respect, and discretion. He works tirelessly to have his clients’ charges dropped, reduced, or their consequences lessened—and his excellent track record is a testament to that work.
We specialize in the defense of a variety of criminal offenses on behalf of our clients, such as:
- Drug Offenses
- Firearm Offenses
- Drinking and Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Offenses
- Traffic Ticket Offenses
- Driver’s License Offenses
- Assault and Battery Offenses
- Stand Your Ground Offenses
- Domestic Violence Offenses
- Theft Offenses
- Burglary Offenses
- Crime Victim Representation
Sercombe Law’s office is located in Vero beach in the Bank of America Building right on the Mircale Mile for your convenience!
Vero Beach DUI Lawyer
The consequences of a DUI conviction can be devastating, including expensive fines, license suspension, probation, drug and alcohol counselling and rehabilitation, car impoundment, community service, Car Interlock Breath Devices, house arrest with GPS , and in some cases jail or prison.
A DUI can affect a marriage or relationship, employment, academic opportunities, travel and work, so it is important that you hire a lawyer that understands how a DUI charge can affect your life after probation is over.
Dan Sercombe learned DUI law as a former prosecutor in St Lucie and Indian River County State Attorney Offices.
This gives you an incredible advantage over lawyers who don’t have that level of local experience and knowledge, bring that Vero Beach DUI lawyer experience to your side!
Dan Sercombe has had extensive training in the science, law, and trial techniques needed to properly handle one of these complex cases.
He’ll explain the entire process to help ease your anxiety and use his experience in prosecution to anticipate and identify weaknesses in the arguments against you. Many of his clients’ DUI cases end up either getting dropped or reduced and with the mildest consequences possible.
To learn more about how Sercombe Law can help you as your DUI or criminal defense attorney in Vero Beach, contact us today!